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Kenya – AMECEA Pastoral Institute (API)

About the Institute

AMECEA Gaba Publications is a publishing arm of the AMECEA (Association Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa) bishops entrusted to the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. It disseminates pastoral literature addressing the needs of Pastoral Institutes in Africa and those of the local churches in the AMECEA region. The White Fathers (now Missionaries of Africa) founded the AMECEA Gaba Publications in 1958. The intention was to boost scholarly research among theologians and pastors in seminaries and parishes through the publication of books and a Journal that can be resourceful to the Church in Africa by addressing pastoral challenges. From its foundation AMECEA Gaba Publications collaborates closely with AMECEA Pastoral Institute (API) ». AMECEA Gaba Publications Department is made up of three sections: the editorial section, the lay out and designing section and the marketing section.  Editorial Section has two supporting organs, namely: the Editorial Advisory Board and Peer Reviewers Panel. These two bodies assist the editorial board in matters of professionalism to ensure that published materials are up to the standard. The AFER (African Ecclesial Review) being a referred international Journal has accrued respect in many university libraries globally.  With focused attention for a bright future, the Publication plans to publish dictionaries and encyclopaedias on themes of interest for the Church in Africa, for instance: African theology, African Religion, the Ancestral Christology, Small Christian Communities (SCCs) and the like.



It is our vision to produce excellent pastoral and theological materials that can boost inculturation and the strengthening of Small Christian Communities in Africa. We want to enable dioceses and parishes in Africa access well researched Spearhead monographs in order to stimulate reflections aimed at providing pastoral solutions in AMECEA region. We seek to publish two Spearhead Monographs and four volumes of AFER Journal annually. Last but not least we aim to organize at least one International Writers Conference every year.


Partner of Network Pastoral Africa

AMECEA Gaba Publication is part of the Network Pastoral Africa and committedly supports the cause of Network Pastoral Africa by availing itself to publishing literature promoting the Network such as the Spearhead Monograph, Creative Collaboration in Ministry: Network of Pastoral Institutes in Africa, 2016.


Fr. Dr. Jordan Nyenyembe (Person in charge)

Publications, AMECEA, Kenia

Network Pastoral Afrika