Pallottine Animation Centre (PAC), Nagpur, India is a Pastoral Institute of the Pallottine Fathers of the Prabhu Prakash Province in India. St. Vincent Pallotti was born in Rome, April 21, 1795 founded the Religious congregation of Pallottine Fathers and Brothers (Society of the Catholic Apostolate). St. Vincent Pallotti gave special emphasis to the fact that every Christian is called to apostolate and has from Jesus a mission for the Church and for the world. He was aware that bishops, priests, and religious alone cannot accomplish the total responsibility of evangelization. Lay faithful, too have the obligation and right to actively participate in the mission of the Church. To implement this concept he founded the Union of the Catholic Apostolate which is an inclusive group of priests, religious and lay faithful.
Pallottine Animation Centre at Nagpur, India was founded in the year 1991 and works towards the actualization of this vision and mission of St. Vincent Pallotti by strengthening the Church at all levels locally and globally.
Thus the Vision of Pallottine Animation centre is to revive faith and renew love in the hearts of all in order to inspire and instil in all a personal conviction of the Apostolic calling of every baptized person and thus to build up a just society. Further mission structure of PAC is to build up the Union of the Catholic Apostolate (UAC) all over India. To promote BECs/SCCs since it is “The new way of Being Church” and to promote Lay leaderships in the Church. Help every person to understand his/ her own faith as a means to promote human harmony. To prepare suitable training programmes, network with people of similar mind and become a repository of information and action programme.
We have 86,481 SCCs in India and a huge number of persons volunteer as animators at SCC, parish, deanery, diocesan, regional and national levels. But in order that they are enablers they need to discipline themselves and accept that animation and empowering is a call to change themselves. We work towards building up these SCCs in the country. UAC is another lay empowerment programme which is providing training for laity in their own specific needs and vocation. We would like to do more in the line of leadership training and make our lay people take up more responsibilities in the Church.
Over the past 28 years PAC has undertaken many training programs in different Dioceses of India and have been regularly offering weekly and monthly courses on SCCs/BECs and leadership. PAC by now is proud that it has trained hundreds of lay leaders in the country. We also have partners of our apostolate like the Pallottine Theologate at Mysore (Karnataka, India) and Maria Rani pastoral Institute at Trivandrum (Kerala, India).
By participating in the Network Pastoral Asia we come to know what is happening in other places and make our work more inclusive. PAC is the nerve centre for SCC Animation in the country. Thousands of people receive formation and other thousands receive updating training yearly under the supervision of the National Service Team for SCCs animated by the Catholic bishops Conference of India.
Fr. George Jacob SAC (Director)