missio - glauben.leben.geben

The series One World Theology (OWT) is intended to serve as a universal Church forum. The volumes in the series will provide a platform for an exchange of ideas on theological issues in which representatives of the different continents are invited to present their views on specific topics. The forum aims to foster dialogue between the local churches and contribute to a dialogue among local churches on equal terms.

Theologie der Einen Welt (ThEW)

One World Theology 16: Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World

Image: Herder Verlag/missio Aachen

Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World

From mission to interreligious dialogue: The commitment to the Christian faith and the dialogue with those of other faiths and non-believers face their own challenges in different countries and regions of the world. The contributions from different continents describe the respective multi-religious contexts, explain the meaning and reception of the ecumenical mission document "Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World", which was jointly signed by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance. In addition, the authors describe the path from a missionary stance to interreligious dialogue.


Previously published volumes

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Dr. Katja Voges

Leiterin des Teams „Menschenrechte & Religionsfreiheit”
+49 (0)241 / 75 07 - 366