missio - glauben.leben.geben


In view of the numerous wars and violent conflicts around the world, peace research has been receiving a great deal of importance and attention in recent years. This is because there has been an enormous increase in interest in the determinants of war and violence on the one hand and peace and non-violence on the other. How can wars, conflict escalation and violence be prevented, ended and avoided? And how can peace, constructive conflict transformation and nonviolence be promoted and supported?

Various theoretical, conceptual, and practical approaches are seeking appropriate answers to these questions. One of these approaches was the Peace Conference 2020, which tried to address and answer these very questions.

Insights into the conference (in german)

The Peace Conference 2020 was dedicated to those people and initiatives who actively, courageously, creatively and committedly oppose contexts of violence. They develop and disseminate visions of peace (Thinking Peace), they moderate and shape peace, dialogue and reconciliation processes (Making Peace), as well as design and facilitate peace- and conflict-related educational events and learning processes (Learning Peace) and set targeted peace processes in motion all over the world (Peace Processes Using West Africa as an Example). In this way, they make an important contribution to peaceful coexistence in the One World. These four central aspects, thinking peace, making peace, learning peace and peace processes using the example of West Africa, formed the basic structure of the Peace Conference 2020 in the form of separate thematic blocks.

  • More than 320 participants

  • A total of 30 workshops

  • About 30 countries

  • About 60 speakers

Thinking Peace

Graphic Recording of the thematic block "Thinking Peace"
Graphic Recording of the thematic block "Thinking Peace"


Every peace, dialogue and democratization process requires ideas, visions and utopias. Every peace action is based on ethical, religious or spiritual foundations and values. Without the associated thinking about peace, a sustainable peace is inconceivable. In order to overcome the remoteness of peace in our thinking, we need visions of peace and an intensive exchange of ideas and dialogue about them.

Keynote speech 1 (german)

What actually is peace? From the absence of violence to the cooperative process.
- Professor Dr. Joachim Söder

Keynote speech 2 (german)

Rethinking peace and security.
- Ralf Becker


Making Peace

Graphic Recording of the thematic block "Making Peace"
Graphic Recording of the thematic block "Making Peace"


Constructive conflict transformation and peacebuilding is a task for society as a whole and requires concrete peace action at various levels. Over the past decades, numerous civil society approaches to violence prevention and conflict transformation have been tested and further developed worldwide. Their importance for accompanying and shaping peace, dialogue, reconciliation and democratization processes cannot be emphasized clearly enough.

Keynote speech 2 (german)

Dealing with a violent past
— Dr. Friederike Repnik


Learning Peace

Graphic Recording of the thematic block "Learning Peace"
Graphic Recording of the thematic block "Learning Peace"


The importance of peace education processes has increased significantly worldwide in recent years. Peace education will increasingly play a key role in preventing, overcoming and following up on violent conflicts. This is because the lifelong development of a comprehensive peace competence is indispensable to enable people to meet the global challenges for peace and security and to promote peace and dialogue processes within society.

Impulsvortrag 3

Ist Friedensbildung in einer Welt organisierter Friedlosigkeit überhaupt möglich? Die Bedeutung von Friedenskompetenzen in einer unfriedlichen Welt.
— Professor Dr. Norbert Frieters-Reermann


Peace Processes

Graphic Recording of the Topic Block "Peace Processes using the Example of West Africa"
Graphic Recording of the Topic Block "Peace Processes using the Example of West Africa"


What is peace if it is not real? A look at West Africa in particular shows: Peace does not work without people taking the initiative. In places where people are threatened by terror on a daily basis, peace is a precious commodity. "Boko Haram has widened the rift between Christians and Muslims. But we want to unite Christians, Muslims and people of different tribes and live together in peace" said missio partner Bishop Stephen Mamza. The message from West Africa is more than clear: peace breaks through religious, ethnic and personal boundaries and thus becomes a dialogue of life.


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